Monday, 20 April 2009

Top 10 favourite films of the moment

Ok, in no particular order and just for a little bit of light relief, here I'm are my current (so probably most recently watched) top 10 favourite films. The list will probably have changed in about an hour but might as well go for it.

1. The Edge of Love - Just watched it tonight and although it's not really a film for light relief, it was good, gloomy but interesting. The acting was good, the costumes were brilliant and Keira Knightley can sing!

2. Twilight - Yes it is totally cheesy but it's good cheesy, it's still enjoyable and fun and a fresh story.

3. The Duchess - The really interesting story of the duchess of devonshire and is based on an excellent biography of her by Amanda Foreman. The scene with the baby (if you've seen the film you'll know what I'm talking about) is truly tragic.

4. Star Wars movies - the old ones are classics it has to be said and while the newer ones can't ever be as good, they're still not bad. Yes there's the odd extremely overdramatised moment (for example, the scene in the Return of the Sith where Anakin in his Darth Vadar costume thinks he's killed Padme and screams Nooooo!) but they're still enjoyable. It amazes me how the two trilogies link together so perfectly.

5. Marley and Me - I saw this in the cinema a few weeks ago and it was good. Not amazing and earth-shattering but pretty good. It was funny, sad at times and moving, although you really did feel sorry for the mother when she had the three screaming kids with no help from the dad who just wanted to be somewhere else.

6. My Best Friend's Wedding - An old favourite of me. I love the song at the end when Rupert Everett comes and finds Julia Roberts. I love the romance and the messed up romance.

7. Pride and Prejudice - The book is a classic and the film dealt with it really well. True, Matthew McFadyen is not quite Colin Firth but this is a top 10 film list not a top 10 tv serial list.

8. Legends of the Fall - Another old favourite of mine. I used to have it on video with both the beginning and end missing, and it make for difficult viewing that way! This is a much younger Brad Pitt and the relationship between him and the women of the story is very well played out.

9. Requiem for a dream - A good film, definitely worth watching. I probably always remember it more for sentimental reasons though, watched with a boyfriend in one of the few times in my life when I was really happy.

10. Changeling - Normally I'm not a huge fan of Angelina Jolie but she was excellent in this film. Her acting was fantastic and the storyline itself is compelling and enthralling. It's based on a true story and when you know that, it's heartbreaking to see what she is put through for trying to tell the truth.


  1. I love number 6. It is unbelievably cheesey but I just love the plot line too much!! I keep meaning to watch number 10, but just a bit too depressed to face seeing it. Nice to see Jolie in a film with more depth than her usual flashy tripe.

    Lola x

  2. Plot line of it is brilliant, plus I love Dermot Mulroney in it. Changeling is not one to watch when you're feeling a bit depressed, definitely not a cheerful viewing! But if you feel in the mood sometime you should give it a go x

  3. oooh, fan of keira knightley?? yay :D my best friend's wedding isn't my favourite roberts film, but it is still pretty good. dermot mulroney is v. cute, and I love Rupert Everett with all my heart :D Have you seen an ideal husband? He's just perfect in it. xxx

  4. Requiem is one of my favourite films too, Marlon Wayans is great in it - totally different from his usual self. Have you seen Pi?

  5. No, I haven't seen Pi, vaguely heard of it though. Is it good?
